Yoga Ayurveda Retreat Portugal - Yoga Weekend Retreats
Saturday 15th MARCH 2025<br>Expanding and moving into the energy of Spring into the light with this heart opening 1-DAY RETREAT at the Hoorneboeg. We will move, be still, expand and contract and moreover tune in with our deeper self.<br> Just for one day leave your busy and full life and step into your soul space. 'To hear the gentle whispers of your heart and soul'.<br>We awaken and very gently come out of hibernation. A full day of tuning in with nature and the 5 elements, yoga, dance, (kundalini) meditations for abundance and intentions, journaling your San Kalpa and finishing the day resting in a long yoga nidra.<br>A beautiful moment to connect with yourself, your soul whispers and with the energy of sprouting, fertility and spring. <br>The word for Spring, Ostara, comes from the Goddess Eostre, which stems from estrogen, fertility, new beginnings.<br>Lets come together in the warm, comfortable and cosy ambiance of In De Luwte at the Hoorneboeg.<br>✨️ Saturday 15th March<br>✨️ Hoorneboeg, Holland<br>✨️ €149 including lunch, tea and snacks<br>✨️ 10.00-17.00u<br>What to expect:<br>A full immersion into silence, peace, an open heart, deep rest and into yourself. <br>1 spot free<br>Waitinglist:
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